We sell Sweet Pickins Beeswax at The Shops on West Ridge. Wax is available in 8 oz jars (clear) and 4 oz jars (white, dark and black). Please visit us for a great selection of paint colors, finishes and tools.
1. Apply the wax with a wax brush so you can get into all the nooks and crannies of the piece. It will also make it easier to get a nice even coat.
TIP: It is best to have separate wax brushes for clear wax, dark and black and white.
2. Apply the wax in a even coat. Remember, a little wax goes a long way and you only need a very thin coat.
TIP: If you apply too much of a tinted wax (white, dark or black) you can apply some clear wax and buff it. It will act like an eraser.
3. Use a clean, lint free cloth to wipe the wax until you like the look and then let dry. Because the wax has no drying agents it will take a few days to be dry to the touch and not smudge. No drying agents also mean that you have a great amount of time to get the look you want to be just right.
TIP: Use a piece of cloth that is close to the color of your piece in case you do get a piece of lint transferred. (White cloths for light colors, dark cloths for dark colors)
4. Clean your brush using Little White Lye brush cleaner.
5. Send a picture of your beautiful finished piece to the Weeping Mermaid to be shared and adored!
For maintenance, if your piece gets scratched, simply apply a small amount of wax on that part and rebuff that area.
Clear Wax: Beeswax, Carnuba Wax, natural solvent
Black, Dark and White Waxes: Beeswax, Carnuba Wax, natural solvent, natural earth pigments and clays
All natural ingredients, no VOS and no artificial drying agents
Wax has a light citrus fragrance.